Saturday, July 2, 2011

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  • Macaca
    10-14 09:50 AM
    G.O.P. Lawmakers Voice Their Unease ( By CARL HULSE | New York Times, October 14, 2007

    WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 � Members of the White House communications team invited their Capitol Hill counterparts down to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue the other day to see how Republican morale was holding up in Congress. The answer: Not so well.

    Under fierce attack on children�s health insurance, beset by politically inconvenient retirements and uncertain if another scandal lurks around the corner, Congressional Republicans are feeling a bit under siege as even one of their former leaders predicts 2008 could be a Democratic year.

    �We are not happy, no doubt about it,� said one of the senior Republican Congressional aides who attended the Oct. 5 meeting at the White House and would talk about the internal session only without being identified by name.

    The twist is that the issue Republicans had feared most in the fall, the war in Iraq, has played out legislatively in their favor for the moment. In concert with the White House, Congressional Republicans say they were able to execute a strategy built around the testimony of General David H. Petraeus that allowed them to forestall Democratic calls for troop withdrawals and hold the party together on the war at a crucial turn.

    But Republicans say they have lacked a similar cohesive plan to counter the Democratic assault over the children�s health insurance program that will be the subject of a veto override vote in the House on Thursday. President Bush�s veto of an expansion of that program and the strategic failure have exposed vulnerable Republicans to a backlash and allowed the party to be painted as uncaring.

    As a result, Republicans have been scrambling for a health care response at a time when they had hoped to be pounding Democrats over excessive spending and re-establishing their image as the party of fiscal restraint.

    �We need to be on offense,� said Representative Tom Davis, a Virginia Republican considering a Senate run.

    At the White House, administration officials urged Congressional Republicans to try to remain positive and ride out the current turmoil. Ed Gillespie, a senior adviser to Mr. Bush, told the visitors, according to multiple accounts, that had Republicans sided with Democrats on the health program, they would have opened themselves to withering criticism from conservatives and been in a worse position than they are now.

    But that was small solace to Congressional Republicans who worry that the White House does not fully appreciate their political difficulties and that Mr. Bush, who will not be on the ballot next year, has put them in harm�s way with his opposition to the children�s health care bill. Many Republicans say the White House should have been more aggressive early on in getting behind a counterproposal.

    �The president has let the debate on health care down by not offering an alternative,� said Representative John R. Kuhl Jr., Republican of New York.

    The children�s health insurance program is not the only development that has some Republicans down. A string of retirements in the Senate and House continued Friday with the decision by Representative Ralph Regula, a veteran Republican from Ohio, to step aside in a district where Democrats could be competitive.

    Worried about increasing departures, the House leadership has been encouraging Representative Steve Pearce of New Mexico to forgo a run for the Senate and avoid opening a second Republican-held House seat in a state where Democrats are gaining strength. A fellow Republican, Representative Heather A. Wilson, is already running for the seat being vacated by Senator Pete V. Domenici.

    Republicans also have lawmakers under criminal investigation in the House and the Senate, raising the possibility of a recurrence of the election-year corruption fallout that damaged Republicans in 2006.

    And House Republicans could not have been happy with comments by the former majority leader Dick Armey, the ex-congressman from Texas. He predicted in an interview with The Gazette-Journal of Reno, Nev., that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Democrat of New York, would be elected president next year and that �it is going to get worse before it gets better.�

    Yet Republicans say Democrats have problems of their own, as shown by low public approval ratings for Congress. And the Republican leadership in the House and Senate was hoping it had struck on an effective message on the health care legislation, saying the refusal by Democrats to negotiate over the bill showed the party was more interested in political insurance than health coverage.

    �While some on the left believe they are gaining political points by criticizing Republicans rather than legislating, at the end of the day their focus on politics may come at the expense of S-chip,� said Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona, the third-ranking Republican, referring to the State Children�s Health Insurance Program.

    Other Republicans say the public is fed up with constant gamesmanship.

    �They cannot stand the partisan bickering,� said Representative Judy Biggert, an Illinois Republican who is under fire for her opposition to the health care bill.

    Congressional Republicans say their political fortunes have to improve at some point. They think the emergence of a party presidential nominee early next year will help get them out from under the shadow of the unpopular Bush White House. And while they might not be thrilled that Mr. Armey is predicting a Clinton victory, they believe her nomination could be a powerful motivator for Republican activists and donors.

    Republicans are also banking on an overall anti-incumbent atmosphere. They point to a special House election to be held in Massachusetts on Tuesday, saying that Jim Ogonowski, a Republican running as a government outsider in a heavily Democratic district, has presented a stronger than anticipated challenge to Niki Tsongas, a well-connected Democrat.

    �There is clearly an anti-Washington sentiment out there if you are a Republican challenger who can capitalize on it,� said Jessica Boulanger, a spokeswoman for the National Republican Congressional Committee. �Democrats have reason to be worried.�

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  • Blog Feeds
    03-21 09:30 AM
    Readers have been sending me the best links. Here's one from the latest issue of Newsweek: As the white house revives immigration reform�an issue the president is discussing with congressional leaders�it may want to ponder the effects of curbing foreign labor. While immigrants are blamed for dragging down American wages and stealing jobs, University of California, Davis, economist Giovanni Peri comes to a different conclusion. In a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper, Peri trowels through nearly five decades of immigration data and finds that foreign workers have boosted the economy, jacking up average income without crowding out American...

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  • bikrambaitaal
    10-12 11:18 AM
    For the benefit of those looking answers to this question, I found the following CBP guidelines on passport validity requirements upon entry (not at time of visa application):

    Please let know if this is correct.


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    07-10 04:33 PM
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  • Macaca
    10-06 05:25 PM
    Lott Looking to Form New �Gang� ( By Erin P. Billings | Roll Call Staff, October 4, 2007

    In what could be a new incarnation of the successful bipartisan �Gang of 14,� Minority Whip Trent Lott (R-Miss.) hosted a meeting this week with a handful of the Senate�s most notable compromisers to figure out how to unclog the gridlock that has slowed the chamber�s progress this year.

    About half a dozen moderate and independent-minded Republicans and at least one Democrat � Sen. Ben Nelson (Neb.) � participated in the Members-only huddle, which was held quietly in Lott�s Capitol office Tuesday morning. Afterward, few Senators offered much detail, but several said there�s a feeling among them that the narrowly divided chamber no longer can operate at an impasse and they want to find ways to avoid the growing number of filibusters sidelining Senate legislation this year.

    �We�re seeing if there�s a way to bring some people together to bring some more comity to this place,� Nelson said.

    Lott declined to discuss the meeting or its goals, saying only: �I think I ought not say anything. Others are going to say too much, so I am not going to say anything.�

    According to other Senators, however, the discussion focused on how the deal-minded group could help avert the growing number of standoffs in trying to clear bills through the Senate this Congress. Most particularly, Senators said they vetted ways to work through upcoming fights on such issues as appropriations bills and stalled judicial nominations such as that of Leslie Southwick, Lott�s home-state pick for the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

    Southwick narrowly cleared the Judiciary Committee last summer but has yet to come up for full Senate consideration. The White House and Republican Senators have been trying to corral 60 votes to advance his confirmation, but are still shy of meeting that mark against powerful Democratic opposition.

    �It�s about creating a better environment to get things done for the country,� said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who participated in the meeting. �We need to get back to being a deliberative body.�

    �We�re going to see if we can work beyond the logjam,� said Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), who also was there and described it as the �beginning of a process.�

    Graham, Nelson and Snowe were members of the previous Congress� bipartisan Gang of 14, a group of seven Democrats and seven Republicans who assembled in the face of a bitter partisan Senate standoff over movement of President Bush�s judicial nominees. The group brokered a historic deal to allow for votes on certain stalled Bush picks in exchange for keeping the minority�s option to use the filibuster intact.

    That group didn�t formally involve Lott as one of its members, but the then-rank-and-file Mississippi Senator was a primary force behind the scenes leading to its creation. Lott stepped away after the gang officially formed.

    Nelson wouldn�t say this week whether Tuesday�s meeting was a step toward

    re-creating a similar bipartisan coalition, calling the Gang of 14 �unique.� But the Nebraska Democrat did suggest there are clear parallels in terms of the two groups� goals.

    �It�s just a conversation at this point,� Nelson said. �We�re trying to see if there�s an interest in building support for moving legislation and to avoid having as many cloture votes as we�ve had and moving legislation along.�

    So far this year, the Democratic majority has called to invoke cloture, a lengthy procedural roadblock that has markedly slowed down Senate action on a whole host of bills, some 56 times. Democrats have argued they are forced to do so against an intransigent 49-seat GOP minority, while Republicans have insisted it shows that Democrats are trying to ram through legislation without their input.

    Although not all showed up, sources indicated that about 10 Senators were asked to take part in Tuesday�s meeting. In addition to Lott, Nelson, Graham and Snowe, GOP Sens. Susan Collins (Maine), Bob Corker (Tenn.), John Warner (Va.), John McCain (Ariz.), Gordon Smith (Ore.) and Norm Coleman (Minn.) were invitees.

    Although not in attendance Tuesday, Coleman said discussions abound among rank-and-file Senators about how to �fix things� and break some of the legislative stalemate. He added that it�s not a surprise that Lott � one of the Senate�s most notorious deal-makers � would lead the charge.

    �It�s a legitimate concern,� Coleman said of the gridlock. �We�re all impacted by the failure of being able to do the things that people sent us here to do.�


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  • grupak
    07-24 04:51 PM
    Did any body renew thier EAD's recently?..instruction on page 12 says that the Filing fee of $340 is waived coe category that true..:confused:

    Only for people who paid the new I-485 fee effective July 31st, 2007. Lot of the July 2007 VB filers (even in August 2007) paid the old fee, and have to pay the $340.

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  • Nitu Singh
    06-21 02:42 PM
    When is it safe to change employment once you file for I-485?


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  • number30
    06-08 04:16 PM

    I am confused with AP expiration date.

    The printed exiration date is :July 29, 2009
    But my latest paroled stamp on AP it is : Dec 05, 2009.

    Which date should i follow to renew my AP?


    Go by original printed exiration date. Someone confused with this . He has to reapply for the green card.

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  • gregspirited
    08-26 04:14 PM
    Currently I'm working for a major software firm (10,000+ employees) as a senior software engineer. My 6-yr H1-B expires by January 2010.

    I filed for PERM with PD of October 2007 in Atlanta center under EB2 category for Sr.Software engineer position. As we know it is still in PENDING status after a AUDIT request.

    Now, I have received an offer for a Sr.Technical Program manager internally in my company.

    What are my options now?

    1. Can I withdraw my current PERM (while it is PENDING after AUDIT) and apply for a new PERM under new position? OR

    2. Can I use the same PERM since I'm staying with the same company?

    3. Does the company size help in any way?

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  • Blog Feeds
    03-08 08:20 AM
    Utah legislators passed two measures Friday that set the state on a different course than Arizona. One measure is an enforcement one and would require police to check the immigration status of those stopped on suspicion of committing felonies and misdemeanors. The measure's most controversial provision - an Arizona-style section allowing police to stop people based on a "reasonal suspicion" that the person is illegally present - was removed. The bill is making headlines as well for inclusion of a guest worker provision that will allow the state to issue two year work permits to persons illegally present in the...

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  • orphean
    02-17 09:43 AM

    I"m currently working for a TARP company and my I-94 date is Aug 2009. I still have 3 years left on my H1B.

    I've got an offer from another bank (non-TARP) and they have filed for my H1 transfer.

    a) Any idea what the wait times are these days?
    b) Anybody seen problems with H1B transfers these days?
    c) There might be a 1 week overlap (pay) between my current company and my future company. is that OK? e.g. My join date in the new company will be Feb 23rd and my notice date will be Feb 28th in my current company.


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  • gvenkat
    02-03 12:28 PM

    I need to get my H1B stamped in Mexico. I know there are some agencies which offer a complete package trip to the Mexico US Consulate. Does anybody know some names and contact information?

    I am based in Los Angeles and am pretty close to Mexico border. Do they have something in Southern California? Other places are also Ok.


    on a lighter note... just cross the border nah... :D:D but tto ur questions... I think that victorgarcia is helpful...


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  • senk1s
    10-24 08:20 PM
    I've got some questions/comment to understand your situation

    1. How do you know it is stuck in security check? What is your attorney's suggestion

    For regular EB applications you can apply for 485 when priority date is current

    2. EAD is generally adjudicated within 90 days

    3. She should have a visa of her own - if she cannot be your dependant

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  • GCard_Dream
    04-11 12:56 PM
    I have been working in DFT/Test field for few years now and it appears that my current group is leaning more and more towards Test Development for SOCs and less in DFT work. I really would like to pursue DFT as a career and have been looking for a job in DFT field. Not only that, moving to a newer company might help me in getting the green card faster; possibly.

    Is anyone here working in the DFT field? If so, do you know of any job openings in your group or anywhere else for that matter?

    Any help will be very much appreciated.

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  • Blog Feeds
    03-22 12:20 PM
    Readers have been sending me the best links. Here's one from the latest issue of Newsweek: As the white house revives immigration reform�an issue the president is discussing with congressional leaders�it may want to ponder the effects of curbing foreign labor. While immigrants are blamed for dragging down American wages and stealing jobs, University of California, Davis, economist Giovanni Peri comes to a different conclusion. In a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper, Peri trowels through nearly five decades of immigration data and finds that foreign workers have boosted the economy, jacking up average income without crowding out American...

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  • johnwright03
    03-04 09:58 PM
    My wife got terminated on Feb 13th, she received her last pay stub on Feb 20th...We haven't applied for a COS till date...Is she now out of Status..??? She was waiting on her last paystub before she can apply for a COS and she received around 24th of last month and now we are all ready to send our documentation for COS to USCIS. During this span of 2 weeks is she considered staying illegal here..??
    I was reading somewhere if USCIS receives her COS after her employer h1b revocation, she might be denied her COS...Is this true...??? Please Advise.
    I was also reading somewhere about e-filing for COS, is e-filing available for H1 to H4 COS..??


    10-17 01:13 PM
    I just confirmed from my Lawyer that i can go back to my Previous H1 if it is not canceled or revoked by the employer. As simple as that.

    08-27 10:17 AM
    It seems that the TSC is processing the applications in the alphabetical order of the state. The info is based on some chinese forum. I am not sure how true the info is.

    Are there any one from New York/New Jersey who have already got the receipt numbers? I have filed from NY and no info yet on our I-485. BTW, I am a july 2nd filer.

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